Sunday 3 October 2010

Film Treatment

My Film treatment
I created this film treatment to get the background detail of the film opening I would be creating in my coursework. I had to cut it down and summarise it as though it were a blurb on the back of a book, but in this case you would find it on the back of a DVD case or even on an advertising poster.
It has also helped me because it has given me the background story of the film and so I know what parts I want to show in my coursework and other bits which are less important and do not give a lot of detail to the actual film.
I can always refer back to my film treatment when creating my coursework incase I want to use a different scene in the film which I think the audience would find more effective, and I can say that this is what I used for my first draft but from looking at my film treatment i decided to use something else.

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