Tuesday 5 October 2010

Typical target audience for Thriller's

Typical target audience’s for thriller films
Depending on the sub-genre of the thriller gives the typical target audinece. For example ‘chick flick’ thrillers would target young teenage girls as they would be able to re-late to the characters emotions and language.
Whereas a political thriller would target men and women that are interested in politics and law, this is shown because many people of the younger generation cannot re-late to this as they do not have as much knowledge.
But in my opinion a target audience for a generic thriller film would be the young adult demographic from 16-25.
When I furthered my research to finding the typical target audience I found that what I discovered was similiar to this. I gave out a questionnaire with many questions about what people enjoy about the thriller films, I also added how old they were. I found that the majority of people that enjoyed and filled out my questionnaire were from the ages 16-20.
I am in this age range and will use this to my advantage as I will be able to add my own views and ideas into my film, I will also be able to ask friends around my age for their opinions when I'm not sure what way to set a certain part out.

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