Monday 18 July 2011

First draft idea's of storyline

I was hesitant when having the initial idea of filming in Trafalgar Square as it is a busy location with tourists and being in Central London. But I think it would be a perfect location for most of my filming as the song is recalling a memory and so it should be a memorable place which Trafalgar Square is. I will need to get permission to film in the park and cafe I want to film close up and showing the relationship between characters in my video which I think should be fine to get hold of. It is a local park and I won’t be filming children so gaining permission I doubt will cause any problems. And I know the owners of the cafe I need to use, so it shouldn’t be a problem for them.

Depending on how my planning for my video goes the location and storyline may change but for now this is what I am aiming for as I think it will be the most effective with the music.

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