Tuesday 12 July 2011

Ben Howard Questionnaire

From the results of this questionnaire from 10 girls and
10 boys most people categorised Howard's style of
music as 'folk' or 'indie' showing that the genre he works
within, which is folk and indie, is clear in his songs.
Tallying the results from the question asking to rank serveral
statements in their order,  it is very clear as every questionnaire
ranked 'I like the genre they sing'.

It is interesting that the range of ages from 11-21 were willing
 to pay up to £30 to see Ben Howard perform live.
 I find this interesting because the amount Ben Howard
charges to see him perform are usually under £15.
 And so from my questionnaire it shows Howard
could potentially charge more, as people
would willingly pay. 

Something I aim to focus on is the ninth question,
asking if they would be interested in knowing more
general information about Ben Howard. i will try
and incorporate that into my music video. Looking
and analysing the lyrics I will see if there a message
or story Howard is trying to get across. I will try and
recreate that which will give an insight to Howard's
story, giving them a better understanding of the artist.

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